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  • 国际研究文学学士
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    诺拉·费舍尔·奥纳 is Associate Professor and Chair of International Studies at the University of San Francisco. 

    主要研究方向为国际关系理论, diplomacy, comparative politics / area studies (土耳其中东/; Europe; Eurasia), 政治意识形态, gender, 和历史/内存. She is also increasingly interested in the impact of technological change on international affairs. 

    She received her doctorate from the University of Oxford and holds master’s and...

    • DPhil (PhD) in International Relations / Political Science, University of Oxford
    • 国际事务硕士(MIA), Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
    • BS...
    • 后殖民帝国/
    • 宗教与政治
    • 历史,记忆和政治
    • 土耳其中东/
    • EU/Europe




    布莱恩Dowd-Uribe is an associate professor in the international studies department at the University of San Francisco. 他目前的研究探索社会, agro-ecological, 以及食物的经济层面, agriculture, 水资源政策, 主要分布在撒哈拉以南非洲和中美洲. Specifically Professor Dowd-Uribe’s research examines whether and to what extent transgenic crops benefit small farmers, the role of decentralized water governance committees in mitigating water-related...

    • 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校,环境研究博士,2011年
    • 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校,环境研究硕士,2008年


    Ilaria Giglioli is a scholar of migration, borders and racialization. 训练有素的人文地理学家, 她研究创作, 合法化和边界争议, with a comparative focus in the Mediterranean and US southern border. In particular, 她研究社会, political and economic processes that generate support for border fortification, 以及反对它的社会运动. She also studies the relationship between border fortification...

    • 加州大学伯克利分校,地理学博士,2018
    • 多伦多大学,地理硕士,2010
    • 牛津大学地理学学士学位,2006

    Keally McBride is a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco and is interested in issues of power and social change. Her recent research has focused on the dynamics of information technology within contemporary capitalism, 但她已经出版了关于惩罚和治安的书籍, 非殖民化运动, 还有殖民主义和法治. She teaches a broad array of courses that investigate local public policy, 欧洲政治, 政治经济, 和平与冲突, and...

    • 加州大学伯克利分校,2000年博士
    • 加州大学伯克利分校,1993年
    • 霍利奥克山学院,1991年文学士
    • 社会变革和革命
    • 欧洲政治
    • 政治经济

    Jennifer Murphy is an assistant professor in the international studies department at the University of San Francisco. 珍妮的促进, 课程开发, and research are informed by ongoing investigations in the interdisciplinary humanistic social sciences. Her geopolitical area of emphasis has been the territorial conflict between Western Sahara and Morocco (1975-present), particularly the political organizing and quest for self-determination of the indigenous Sahrawi people in the...

    • Universitat Jaume I, Spain, European PhD in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies, 2010
    • Universitat Jaume I, Spain, MA in Peace, Conflict Studies and Development Studies, 2007
    • University of...
    • 和平与冲突研究
    • 国际/全球研究
    • 女权主义/性别研究(受批判性种族研究影响)
    • Sociology
    • 文化研究

    Sadia Saeed is a historical sociologist with substantive interests in religion and politics, 国际人权, 以及全球不平等. Her first book Politics of Desecularization: Law and the Minority Question in Pakistan (剑桥大学出版社), 2017)探讨了伊斯兰教之间有争议的关系, nationalism, and rights of religious minorities in colonial India and Pakistan. It received the 2016-2017 Book Prize from the American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS). Her...

    • 密歇根大学安娜堡分校社会学博士
    • 印第安纳州圣母大学文学硕士
    • BSc (Honors), Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

    Wei Yang Menkus received her PhD in East Asian Languages and Literature from Yale University. She teaches and researches broadly in Chinese cinema in a global context, 对电影类型有特殊的兴趣, spatiality, 跨国实践, 以及中国和好莱坞的交集. She is currently completing a book manuscript on film space in contemporary Chinese cinema.

    她的教学兴趣包括中国电影, 东亚类型电影, 性别与视觉文化, city...

    • 耶鲁大学东亚语言文学博士

    John Zarobell is a Professor of International Studies and Academic Director of the MAIS program. His first book, 景观帝国, focused upon visual culture in colonial Algeria and was published in 2010. 艺术与全球经济, published in 2017, analyzes major changes in the art world as a result of globalization. He is currently working on a long-term research project on Asian Megacities and the role of arts in urban development.

    • 加州大学伯克利分校艺术史博士
    • 加州大学伯克利分校艺术史硕士
    • 汉普郡学院美术学士


    Dana Zartner, JD, PhD is a Full Professor in the International Studies Department and is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Law at the University of San Francisco, 她在那里专攻国际法和比较法, with a focus on the intersection of environmental justice and human rights. 查特纳教授的第一本书《法庭, Codes, and Custom: Legal Tradition and State Policy Toward International Human Rights and Environmental Law was released by...

    • 加州大学戴维斯分校政治学博士
    • 法学博士,波士顿大学国际法专业
    • 哈姆林大学国际关系学士


    奥利弗Bercault专门研究人权问题, armed conflicts, 难民问题和国际刑事起诉. He served in the emergencies program at Human Rights Watch (HRW) and conducted research missions in numerous conflict areas: Eastern Chad, Darfur, 中非共和国, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, 斯里兰卡等国. 在此期间, he investigated and documented widespread and serious abuses committed by governmental forces, 叛军和其他武装组织. His...

    • 哥伦比亚法学院,纽约,路易斯安那州.M., 2000
    • University of Paris X, France, Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Specialty of Private Law, 1984
    • 法国巴黎第十大学,私法硕士...
    • 人权与人权法
    • Armed conflicts
    • 难民问题和难民法
    • 国际刑事起诉和战争罪

    凯利·戴利做记者已经21年了. Some notable stops on her straight-news path include the Los Angeles Times, 圣地亚哥联合论坛报, 时代周刊亚洲分社, and the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. 凯利被斯坦福大学授予约翰·S·霍普金斯大学荣誉学位. 2013年奈特新闻奖学金. 她还制作新闻喜剧, including her "News Hangover" webseries supported by First Look Media and documentary-theater performances entitled "Surviving...

    • 加州大学伯克利分校新闻学硕士,2005年
    • University of Texas at Austin, BA in English and Bachelor of Journalism, 1996
    • Women and media
    • Media analysis
    • 现场新闻表演
    • 这类数字故事叙述
    • News satire

    Filip Kovacevic is an adjunct professor in the Departments of Politics and International Studies. As a Montenegrin author, social justice activist, and geopolitical analyst, Prof. Kovacevic has lectured and taught across Europe, the Balkans, the former USSR, and the U.S., 包括在斯莫尔尼学院的两年, 俄罗斯第一所文理学院, 在圣. 彼得堡国立大学. He received fellowships from the Open Society Institute and the National...

    • 密苏里-哥伦比亚大学博士