• 文理学院
  • Our Programs
  • 本科专业
  • Media Studies, BA
  • Faculty
  • Department Chair


    Inna Arzumanova's research interests include racial and gender performances, 大众文化与审美, 以及全球媒体和艺术产业. 她发表了关于种族在舞蹈电影中的使用的文章, 电视上的时尚和性别, 数字文化中的性别生产, 以及视觉艺术作品中的种族美学.

    • 在线博彩平台。传播学博士
    • 学士,加州大学圣地亚哥分校

    Full-Time Faculty


    Professor Danny Plotnick roared into the underground film world in the 1980s. Fueled by his love of alternative culture, his films were infused with the DIY spirit of the times. His films have been shown at the MOMA in NYC, and on the Independent Film Channel and MTV.

    As an educator, he was the director of education at The Film Arts Foundation for seven years, and he taught at the esteemed high school arts program California State Summer School For the Arts from 1995-2007. He was chair of the...


    伯纳黛特Barker-Plummer received her PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, 她获得了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的文学硕士学位, 以及苏格兰爱丁堡大学的文学学士学位. Her research interests are in media, social movements, and social change. Some of her work can be found in Critical Studies in Media Communication, 女性主义媒体研究, Journalism Quarterly, 新闻专题论文, and Peace Review. 她教授性别与媒体导论...

    • 文学士,苏格兰爱丁堡大学
    • 硕士,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
    • 宾夕法尼亚大学安嫩伯格传播学院博士

    Vamsee Juluri received his PhD in Communication from the University of Massachusetts in 1999. His research interest is in the globalization of media audiences with an emphasis on Indian television and cinema, mythology, religion, 暴力和甘地哲学. 他是四本书的作者:

    • Becoming a Global Audience: Longing and Belonging in Indian Music Television (彼得·朗,2003/东方朗曼,2005) 
    • 《神话学家:一部小说 (企鹅印度出版社,2010)
    • 宝莱坞国家:通过印度...
    • 博士,马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校,1999年

    Professor Kidd graduated with a PhD from the School of Communications at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, 专攻国际发展. Her research agenda is broadly concerned with the role of grassroots communicators and movements in social change, 她是一个受欢迎的沟通者, trainer, 并在社区广播中倡导, 纪录片和录像, 以及社会公正沟通.


    • 西蒙弗雷泽大学,传播学博士,1998年
    Kalmanovitz Hall 386

    Professor Pedro Lange Churión is both an academic and a visual artist. 他曾自编自导多部电影,包括 Crocodile (USA, 2000). 根据Felisberto Hernández的短篇小说改编. This film received a Remmy Bronze award for best dramatic adaptation at the Houston International Film Festival (2001). 他还担任编剧和导演 Visitas (Colombia, 2005), a full-feature narrative film that explores violence in Colombia. 这部电影获得了“官方评选”的认可...


    Part-Time Faculty

    Kalmanovitz Hall 202

    She is a former teaching fellow at Stanford's Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and her scholarly interests include media studies, journalism, creative non-fiction, 批判种族理论. 曾为《滚石》和《最大的博彩平台》杂志撰写音乐, 她著有三本关于摇滚乐的书, "Route 666" (St. 马丁的),“朋克在现在时态”(St. 马丁的)和《在线博彩平台》(Bloomsbury出版社,即将出版).在业余时间,她曾是NCAA一级运动员...

    • 斯坦福大学现代思想与文学博士
    • 加州大学伯克利分校,传播学学士

    珊德拉·玛丽亚·卡斯尔顿, MFA, is a screenwriter and independent film and television producer whose scripts have served as the basis for award-winning documentary, 电视和叙事电影项目. 她的电影曾在圣丹斯等电影节上首映, Tribeca, AFI and Rotterdam, 和她的特色戏剧喜剧, Full Grown Men, was the winner of the 2007 Sundance Channel Audience Award prior to a critically successful theatrical release by Emerging Pictures. Full Grown Men starred Judah...

    Adjunct Professor 迈克尔·爱德华·莱纳特 has 25 years’ experience teaching law, communications, 以及大学级别的新闻学, 包括硕士和博士研究生. He is a licensed attorney in California with 30 years’ experience and has taught communications law and other classes at the University of San Francisco since 2009. 他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,并获得博士学位.D. from The University of Texas and his law degree from Georgetown Law School. 从2005年到2009年,他担任...

    • 学士,加州大学伯克利分校
    • 博士,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校

    Jessica Lifland是湾区的一名摄影师, editor and instructor with 20 years of experience as a photojournalist working all over the United States and internationally in such places as Kosovo, Burma, Italy, The Middle East, and Africa. Her work has been published nationally and internationally in publications including The New York Times, USA Today, 《最大的博彩平台》和《国家地理. She has done non-profit work with organizations such as Operation Smile and The California Health Care...

    • 俄亥俄大学视觉传达硕士,2002年
    • 康奈尔大学,美术史学士学位,1992年
    • 康奈尔大学摄影学士学位,1991年
    • Photojournalism
    • Photo editing
    • 视觉叙事
    • 新闻教育
    Gleeson 4th Floor

    Natacha is an award-winning storyteller, media producer, and educator. 她努力使用文字, film, sound, and live performance to deepen our understanding of the world we live in and foster action.

    Her documentary work has appeared at the MoMA and the Whitney Museum of American Art, 以及国家地理频道, NBC NY, and Link TV. Her radio work has appeared on public radio affiliates nationally and locally. She is currently the showrunner for Adonde Media’s acclaimed Duolingo...

    Salnave's passion for producing narratives rooted in issues of community, upward mobility, and urban life are born of her interests in the study and portrayal of diversity in film/television, 她渴望在媒体上创造积极的叙事. Her work has screened at film festivals across the world and she holds several awards for her documentary work. Salnave has worked in the entertainment industry in Television Development under Brian Grazer at IMAGINE Entertainment, Produced on SHOWTIME...

    • 在线博彩平台。,电视艺术硕士 & 2019年电影制作
    • 米尔斯学院,创意故事文学士 & 文化视角,2015
    • TV/Film directing 
    • TV/Film producing 
    • 非裔美国人,加勒比和拉丁文化研究
    • Poetry
    • Prose
    • Screenwriting
    • Film theory
    Kalmanovitz Hall 259

    马克·泰勒是一位实验电影制作人和视觉艺术家, 谁的作品在电影节上放映和展出过, galleries, 还有世界各地的博物馆. 他的艺术书籍已被美国国会图书馆收藏, 纽约公共图书馆, 旧金山荣誉军团勋章, Stanford University, 以及纽约现代艺术博物馆, among others. Taylor has worked in independent film and public media in various roles since 1989.

    • 加州艺术学院艺术硕士
    • 多媒体制作
    • Visual art

    Jeremy Troy is an award-winning broadcast creative with 20 years of expertise crafting promotional content for television, films, 以及CBS等大品牌的现场活动, PBS, Google, Amazon, and Showtime. His work has been honored across multiple disciplines including creative direction, producing, editing, 和最佳动作设计奖, Tellys, IFTA, 及金预告片奖.

    As an educator, Mr. Troy believes sharing his experience and expertise is an investment in the next generation...


    Kalmanovitz Hall 141

    Tim Redmond has won more than 40 national and local awards in a four-decade career as an investigative and political reporter, 大部分时间都在《旧金山湾卫报》工作. His work has also appeared in more than a dozen local and national publications. 他教新闻学, 调查性报道, Political Reporting, 以及《在线博彩平台》, among other courses. 他是跆拳道黑带二级选手.

    • 卫斯理大学经济学学士,1980年
    • 调查性报道
    • Political reporting
    • 环境新闻

    Faculty Emeritus


    苏珊娜·凯泽(Susana Kaiser)在媒体研究系任教. She earned her PhD from the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, her MA from the Department of Communication at Hunter College of the City University of New York, 在萨尔瓦多耶稣会大学获得广告学士学位, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 她的原籍国. Before coming to USF she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. 她的研究重点是...

    • BA, Advertising, The Jesuit University of El Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • MA, The Department of Communication, Hunter College of the City University of New York
    • 博士,拉丁学院...