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  • 知识产权 & 技术法,法学硕士
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    Kendrick Hall 311

    蒂芙尼李 is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of San Francisco 法学院, where she teaches intellectual property 和 technology law courses. 她 is also a Fellow at the Yale Law School Information Society Project. Li is an expert on privacy, 人工智能, 和 technology platform governance. 她 regularly appears as a legal commentator in national 和 global news outlets, 和 she has written for popular publications including the Washington Post, 大西洋, 和...

    • University of Cambridge, Master’s in AI 道德 和 Society – Expected graduation June 2023
    • 乔治城大学法律中心法学博士,2014
    • University of 加州, Los Angeles, BA in English, 2010


    Kendrick Hall 302

    Jessica Fajfar是互联网的负责人 & IP Justice Clinic 和 Assistant Professor, where she supervises the USPTO Trademark Program. 她 has worked on many 商标 prosecution matters with students, 包括提交初步商标申请, 响应办公室行动, 和 defending 和 enforcing TTAB oppositions 和 cancellations. 她 also has assisted students with settling other intellectual property matters, 包括商标, 版权, 还有域名纠纷, 和...

    • 学士,俄亥俄北方大学
    • 克利夫兰州立大学法学博士
    • 知识产权法学硕士 和 Technology, University of San Francisco

    2019年至2024年, 苏珊Freiwald served as the 19th Dean of the University of San Francisco 法学院. 她 previously served one-year terms as the school's interim dean 和 associate dean for academic affairs. 在她担任院长期间, Professor Freiwald spearheaded a revamp of the curriculum, redesigned the first-year orientation 和 tutorial programs, 和 launched the Academic 和 Bar Exam Success Program. In addition, she fundraised extensively, including a $6.100万美元...

    • 哈佛大学法学博士(以优异成绩毕业)
    • AB in Economics, Harvard University (Magna cum laude)
    • 网络法
    • 信息私隐法
    • 互联网法律
    • 隐私法
    • 刑事诉讼程序


    阿米尔V. 阿迪比是阿迪比 IP Group的专利律师, PC, an intellectual property law firm based in San Francisco. Amir擅长专利, 商标, 以及版权诉讼, 诉讼, 咨询, 投资组合开发. Amir has expertise in drafting 和 prosecuting patent applications in the areas of semiconductor, 电力电子, 电动汽车, 控制系统, 计算机硬件, 软件, 电信技术. 在从事法律工作之前,Amir曾担任技术职务...

    • 金门大学,税务法学硕士,2019
    • 圣克拉拉大学,2012年法学博士
    • Harvey Mudd College, BS General Engineering, 2007
    • 知识产权

    罗伊Eisenhardt graduated from Berkeley Law after serving in the Marine Corps, 和 practiced law in San Francisco until joining Berkeley as a visiting professor in 1978. 1980年,他成为奥克兰运动家队的主席, 和 in 1989 he accepted the role of executive director of the 加州 Academy of Sciences. The interim president of the San Francisco Art Institute in 2010, Eisenhardt has served as a lecturer in sports law at Berkeley Law since 2011.

    • 达特茅斯学院,心理学学士,1960年
    • 加州大学伯克利分校法学院法学学士,1965年
    • 商业法

    埃弗雷特·门罗(2014届)为客户提供州咨询, 联邦, 和 international data privacy laws 和 regulations with a focus on negotiating commercial data protection agreements 和 due diligence reviews of international transfers of personal data. Everett is also an adjunct professor at USF teaching courses on 信息私隐法 和 商业法 和 is actively involved with USF’s 模拟法庭 Program, coaching its 商标 competition teams 和 working with other teams as a practice judge...

    • 最大的博彩平台法学博士
    • 加州州立理工大学理学学士

    兼职教授Thomas M. 昂达 has served as Chief Counsel, Global 知识产权, Br和s 和 Marketing at Levi Strauss & Co. 超过24年了. J教授以前的学生. 托马斯·麦卡锡, 昂达 has taught intellectual property 和 商标 law at USF 和 was awarded the Hon. Ira Brown杰出兼职教授奖. He also serves as 教师 Advisor for the 知识产权 和 Technology Law Journal 和 has previously served on the Law School Board of Governors...

    • 最大的博彩平台法学博士
    • 西北大学文学学士

    达娜厄罗宾逊 is an attorney with Pirkey Barber PLLC, a 商标 和 版权 firm. Danae的执业重点是商标, 版权, 不正当竞争法, with a primary focus on 商标 enforcement 和 prosecution for some of the most well-known br和s in the world. Danae regularly advises clients on the management 和 protection of their domestic 和 international portfolios. Danae conducts global 商标 clearance searches 和 oversees 商标 application filings. 她...

    • 最大的博彩平台法学院法学博士,2017年
    • 学士,佐治亚理工学院,2013年

    Jennifer (Jenny) 谢里丹 is the founder 和 principal of JL谢里丹 Law, a Silicon Valley boutique law firm focused on technology transactions, 知识产权咨询和数据隐私合规. 她 has earned the CIPP/US privacy certification from the 国际 Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). 她也是StartUp Law Bootcamp的创始人, a training platform for technology attorneys as well as StartUp Law Forum, a knowledge 和 networking community for technology attorneys. 她在...

    • 哥伦比亚大学法学院,法学博士,哈伦·菲斯克学者
    • 米尔斯学院管理学硕士
    • 塔夫茨大学,文学硕士,弗莱彻法学院 & 外交
    • Occidental College, AB in Economics 和 外交 和...
    • 技术交易
    • 知识产权咨询
    • 隐私合规(CCPA、CPRA、GDPR)
    Kendrick Hall 336

    溶洞Shorofsky is currently leading the law school's Office of 职业服务 as its Director.  Karren joined the adjunct faculty of the graduate program in museum studies in 2013, 以及2017年法学院的兼职教员.  她教艺术法, 版权, 博物馆和法律, as well as the graduate internship course in museum studies, 和 has supported many students in their career searches.  

    Karren has spent most of her own law career focused on legal issues related to...

    • 耶鲁大学法学院法学博士
    • 旧金山州立大学,艺术史硕士
    • 布朗大学,艺术史学士

    大卫·蔡 is a Partner in the San Francisco Office of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP 和 is the Co-Head of Pillsbury’s Taiwan Practice. David represents world-class corporations innovating biotechnology, 药品, 医疗设备, 软件, 和硬件. 除了知识产权诉讼, 他在专利谈判中为客户提供建议, 许可, M&A transactions, 和 overall intellectual property strategy. Prior to his legal career, David worked in product management...

    • 圣克拉拉大学,法学博士,2006
    • 斯坦福大学,生物科学硕士,1998
    • 哈佛大学,AB生化科学,1997年
    • 知识产权

    泰森Winarski是一名注册专利律师, MSEE),专门从事专利许可, 专利组合战略发展, 以及位于山景城的专利申请机构, 加州. Tyson is also the inventor of 37 patents in the fields of blockchain, 人工智能, 可再生能源, 石墨烯基光纤, 纳米复合存储介质, 以及社交网络设备.

    Tyson has testified as an expert witness on 许可 in Federal District Court 和 is widely...

    • 学士学位,科罗拉多大学
    • 亚利桑那州立大学法学博士
    • 亚利桑那州立大学MSEE