• 法学院
  • 学校生活 & 职业生涯
  • 职业服务
  • 就业服务队
  • 卡伦·肖洛夫斯基,J.D., M.A.

    J.D., M.A.,主任兼兼职教授


    溶洞Shorofsky is the Director of the Office of 职业服务 (“OCS”) at USF’s 法学院.   She is also an Adjunct 教授essor at the 法学院 and in USF’s Graduate Program in Museum Studies.  教授. 肖洛夫斯基毕业于耶鲁大学法学院.  她得了B.A. 获得布朗大学艺术史硕士学位.A. 旧金山州立大学艺术史专业毕业.

    教授. Shorofsky worked in the General Counsel’s Office of the Museum of Modern Art in New York during law school and then joined Morrison & 在福斯特旧金山办公室做助理.  在莫里森 & 福斯特把, 她处理过各种各样的知识产权法案件, 包括版权, 专利, 商标, 不正当竞争与形象权主张.  She continued her intellectual property practice as an Associate and Partner at Steinhart & 旧金山猎鹰队(现隶属于DLA Piper), 她在哪里获得了与媒体相关的额外专业知识, 艺术, 新兴技术和在线营销和广告.  随后,她加入了Pillsbury在旧金山担任法律顾问.  Over the years, her practice encompassed litigation, transactional and counseling work.  她的客户包括财富500强企业、初创企业和博物馆.  She also represented numerous community organizations on a pro bono basis.

    教授. 肖洛夫斯基在非营利组织董事会有着丰富的经验, 主要是在艺术和教育领域.  She served as President of two different boards and helped lead capital campaigns and other development and marketing initiatives.

    2013年,教授. Shorofsky began teaching at USF’s newly created Graduate Program in Museum Studies. 2017年,她加入了法学院兼职教员.  Courses she teaches regularly include Copyright Law, Art Law, and Museums and the Law.  She also taught the graduate internship course in the Museum Studies program, and prior to her current role as Director of OCS supported many graduate and law students in their career searches. 

    2021年,教授. 肖洛夫斯基被授予法学院的荣誉. 爱尔兰共和军一. 布朗兼职教员奖.  2022年,她获得了USF的创新教学技术奖.

    电子邮件: kmshorofsky@yuanboweiye.com

    亲爱的. 三亚山马西恩,J.D., J.S.M.

    J.D., J.S.M.,副主任


    Sanya Hill Maxion recently retired as a federal Administrative Law Judge for the Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings Operations after working in that position for over 13 years in its San Jose, 奥克兰和斯托克顿办事处. Prior to working as an Administrative Law Judge, She worked as a Senior Trial Attorney at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC” or “Commission”) and worked in that capacity for approximately eighteen years.

    在平等就业机会委员会工作之前,希尔·马克西恩法官曾与美国联邦法律委员会合作.S. 上诉法院, Ninth Circuit as a Staff Attorney and subsequently as a law clerk to the late 亲爱的orable Cecil F. 普尔.

    Judge Hill-Maxion has taught at numerous law schools around the San Francisco Bay Area as an adjunct professor, 包括但不限于斯坦福法学院, where she was a Teaching Fellow; Boalt 法学院 (UC Berkeley); Golden Gate University 法学院 and the University of San Francisco Schools of Law and Education. 法官希尔·马克西恩获得了B.A. degree in English and Political Science from the University of San Francisco, her J.D. degree from NYU 法学院, where she was a Root-Tilden Fellow for 公共利益 Law, and her J.S.M. 毕业于斯坦福大学法学院. She currently serves on the USF Black 校友 Society Board and has also served as Chair of that Board.

    电子邮件: sphill@yuanboweiye.com

    Peggy Song, J.D.



    Peggy Song is an attorney who has always enjoyed connecting people and after practicing law for 30 years, decided to switch gears and follow her interest in assisting law students in preparing to make connections to find their next opportunity.

    Peggy started her legal career at Hogan Lovells (formerly known as Hogan & Hartson LLP).C. 她从哪里开始公司的轮岗计划, 从事国际贸易领域的实践, 出口控制, 证券, 反垄断和房地产交易, including REIT securitizations for hotels and apartment complexes and represented clients such as Marriott Inc. 及王国控股有限公司.该公司是沙特王子阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉尔的投资公司.

    In 1998, 当时科技市场正在蓬勃发展, Peggy decided to relocate to San Francisco where she worked for Orrick Herrington & 在Sutcliffe做了两年的房地产交易, 代表退休基金顾问及房地产投资信托基金进行收购, 性格, 不动产租赁及融资. 在大律师事务所干了7年, Peggy joined Veritas Software Corporation where she held various positions as the company itself merged with Symantec Corporation in 2006 and which is now known as Gen Digital Inc., a consumer-based cybersecurity corporation based in Mountain View, CA (“GEN”).

    在GEN工作时, 她是为所有财政部提供法律支持的主要律师, 为全球100多家子公司提供财务和税务服务, served as the sole attorney responsible for managing all legal matters for a real estate portfolio consisting of approximately 5+ million square feet in 185 locations worldwide. She also managed a small global team of attorneys and paralegals which handled the subsidiary corporate governance and corporate secretarial work for the subsidiaries. 她参与过各种并购, 收购和资产剥离, 以及实体整合和清算事宜.

    佩吉收到了她的J.D. 来自西北大学普利兹克法学院, has a masters in public and international affairs from Princeton University and an undergraduate degree from Carleton College.

    电子邮件: msong24@yuanboweiye.com

    Deborah Chang, J.D.



    Deborah Chang comes to OCS with a desire to help students discover what they love to do while maximizing the value of their law degree. Her varied background includes starting out in a mid-size law firm in San Francisco as a construction defect litigator, 然后最终过渡到威尔逊·松西尼·古德里奇 & Rosati in Palo Alto doing corporate 证券 work for the majority of her legal career. 在Wilson Sonsini, her work focused on representing start-ups and investors in over 30 venture financing deals, and more than nine initial public offerings and mergers and acquisitions. 她还为众多上市公司客户及其董事会提供咨询服务.

    休息之后去追求不同的兴趣, including obtaining a culinary arts degree from Napa Valley College to become a professionally trained chef, 并在沃伦·威尔逊的艺术硕士项目中完成创意写作课程, she returned back to law as in house counsel in different legal departments and capacities. 在应用材料公司, she was in the Mergers and Acquisitions department working on large and complex transactions. 在Shutterfly的时候, 她成功地过渡到她的第一个业务开发角色, 她在哪里发现了新的收入来源, 而且经常超额完成收入和客户获取目标. 从那里, she expanded her career to include managing teams as a business development executive, 以及领导公共政策倡议, 不同的湾区风险投资科技公司. She has also been the Executive Sponsor for a BiPOC Employee Resource Group, 并且很自豪能加入ColorWave的专家网络, a non-profit that connects underrepresented professionals to meaningful career opportunities across the venture-backed ecosystem.

    黛博拉毕业于密歇根大学法学院. 她得了B.A. 获得斯坦福大学经济学学士学位.

    电子邮件: dchang11@yuanboweiye.com

